Apple Alarm Redesigned

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Redesigning Apple's built-in alarm app for every type of morning person by a not so morning person.

As an extremely heavy sleeper, waking up in the morning is a mission. I find myself setting multiple alarms and snoozing all of them anyway. While I do understand that my sleeping habit is the main problem here, I rely a lot on my phone to try and change that.

The Problem

Although Apple's built-in alarm is awesome, I can't help but dislike how cluttered it looks like especially for sleepyheads like me who has over 15 alarms. As I said earlier, a heavy sleeper like myself needs multiple alarms with 5-10 minute intervals before I roll out of bed. Apple makes it tedious to add new alarms (not to mention manually customizing each one) and toggling it on/off.

The Solution

Different people. Different alarms. Part of my redesign sprint is trying to provide a solution for the problem I've identified with Apple's current alarm feature. It gives the users the convenience of setting multiple alarms whether it be for waking up in the morning or for various tasks throughout their day. I also integrated Apple's existing Bedtime feature because a.) it's a great way to track sleep and b.) not a lot of people are familiar with it. Although my attempt in redesigning Apple's alarm isn't the best, it may be a solution for some.

Check out my full redesign process here.